Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"The World will Live as One."

Josephine: Awareness itself being. Knowing I AM the ONE and the ALL . I can not be another.. . To me oneness is - there is none other but the ONE. The only One that Is. That which has within Itself all that really is. The life of everything and the Love through everything. The One Presence. Within this One all live.

I am thinking that the Essential main message from ACIM & possibly all religion/spirituality is "We are all innocent loving the best we can, and all attacks are a call for loving help." I am innocent, you are innocent, she is innocent, He is innocent, we are All innocent loving the best we can. In Innocent Loving Oneness, ron

Who We Are, Who We Are Not (Part 1) You have created the Illusion of Separation in order that you may experience the reality of Oneness. Only when you are outside the reality can you experience it. When you are part of The Whole, you cannot experience yourself AS The Whole, because there is nothing else, and, in the absence of that which you are not, that which you are, is not. Communion With God
Neale Donald Walsch
Page 49

Loving Hearts think inclusive thoughts and find Love everywhere... fearful minds think of separation & get more fear... (Larry Lawson)

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