Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Unity Consciousness

Best video I have seen on Oneness with all - terrific images, words & music. and remember dates "& far beyond.

worldonenesscommunity.com look for South Carolina group

The world will live as one, come & join us." John Lennon used his imagination, now we can experience the Reality of the truth of Oneness. Oneness = Funness!
Book group (Awakening into Oneness) at 5pm on Wed. with Oneness Blessing Group following at 6:30 @ Unity. Bonnie was telling us in our sweetly deep Monday gr...oup that she reads the "Awakening..." book by Arjuna Ardagh before she goes to sleep, and then gives Oneness Blessings to family & friends. I asked her if she was dreaming giving?
She replied "no, it is Real!"

Awakening into Oneness book group with Oneness Blessings following at 6:30
Unity Myrtle Beach

Patricia Gianniou
You just coined a new saying ... Love it!
... ONENESS = FUNNESS .... It sure does ....
I can see some new T-Shirts!!!

Ron Alexander
Hmm, thanks Patricia - Rabindrath Tagore wrote so elegantly: "Joy is the realization of the truth of oneness, the oneness of our soul with supreme Love." My writing seems so silly this AM, and I

Patricia: not silly at all ... Just joyful ... Blessings of this sweet new day to you ...

The Only One
From human's perspective
in this intricate game of love,
Its so easy to become confused
And think you are the do-er.
...But from God's Infinite Certainty,
He always Knows
That He is the only One
Who should ever be put on trial.


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