Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Power Of One

Anne Westenbrink: You can relax now , nothing really matters since all here on this Earth plane is Maya/ illusion and We are all One in Spirit till Eternity ! Breath deeply now , I am with you , You are Eternity and that will never change .... You are a ch...ild of God ...see the Youtube on this magnificent human story ...Love & Light & Peace in Our Hearts ...
Ron Alexander: I agree Anne, however while we are here we need to honor and keep good care of our "temple of the Holy Spirit", as we cannot be here completely without having Spirit embodied(Its everywhere else). And the closest we can come to realizing eternity here is to be completely here NOW! Also, we need to experience separatness so we can realize and appreciate Oneness. Joy in Oneness. ron
Anne Westenbrink: have you seen the youtube video on this dear Ron, its so comforting to all who are afraid to let go and flow with the river of change now, thats why I post it here & there , I am , Love & Peace starts with "Let God & Let go " for me and Accepting & Loving all that comes our way, In Lakech , Red Lunar Moon
Ron Alexander: Dear Anne, thanks for your prompt reply, and I believe what you say is the big "R" Reality, however I am very happy to be in my body at this moment in time, and I know that GOD is here too! Also, I believe in what St. Francis says at the e...nd of his great Prayer - "it is letting go of self that you are born to eternal life." At this point in my life, I choose to observe "the river of life" and when I am ready to go on, I may just jump in?
Please, dear One, give me more info. on the youtube video, and I may just be ready - "It may be a good day to die?"

Anne Westenbrink: never think of dying dear Ron, it will come upon its own sweet time , ever be ready though ... yust a minute , will try to find this video ..since i posted it a while ago , and still don`t know how to refind it so quickly Ron .... love & light always !
Ron Alexander: No no no, Dear Sweet Anne, I was thinking of the Native American Warrior saying as they went off to battle: "This is a good day to die."
I think it is always good to keep impermanence in our minds, as it helps us to be a better person in the... present! yours in Living Oneness, ron
Joanne Syron: i always love each day like its my last on earth, because then i savour each moment in its totality xxx thats called being alive, when you can step on the precipice of your own death...


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