Friday, July 30, 2010

Miten & Deva Premal - So Much Magnificence

there is so much magnificence in the ocean, waves are coming in, waves are coming in...mesmerizing - could not keep my eyes & ears off of it. I have copied that song from elsewhere for background music during Oneness Blessings. in joyous Oneship, ron
Unity Walker and Yewguan Tan commented on Unity Walker's status:
Why did God (the Cosmos) create us? We all have asked ourselves this question. The Bible says we were created for "His good pleasure. " Carl Sagan put it his way: "The Cosmos is also within us. We're made of Star Stuff. We are a way for the Cosmos to know Itself." ~ "Yeah!" said Unity, "God, the Infinite Invisible, experiencing Itself in, through, and as us and all Creation on every conceivable level--and beyond."
Santosh Bhalke: This seems to be same as indian thinking: we have belief, he became many to play.
Antonii Ao D'Jesus: ‎...existence is an opportunity ~ evolution is expansion. experiencing is a journey that has no end. it is a ripple in space. all that we ever perceive is with in us, for this life is simply all about us...the self. ♥♥♥
Unity Walker: I would agree with INdian thinking, then, Santosh! What a lovely way of putting it!
Santosh Bhalke: ‎@Unity; thanks for appreciating. but saints in India say that all this universe is a Fun creation of him only; we call him Jesus, or Krishna or Allah.....all one and the same......

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