Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Myth of our ego as our personal satan

Much more to come later: I studied psychology in grad. school. The defiinition of the ego is simply our individualized self. Freud, who made up this stuff, defined it as a division of the psyche that is the organized CONSCIOUS mediator between the person and reality. In other words, the part of us that can drive a car or run a company or a family. Now it gets to be unconscious when we are egocentric or egotist who are overly concerned with self - they are the pathological parts of the ego.
Another division of the psyche is the Id - now that is the "rattlesnake" from the lower "snake" brain the instinctual self that is that is full of fear & is all about survival so is heavily involved in competition and even murderous rage.
There is a paradox that we need a strong ego to be successful enough in the world so then we can let go of the ego. " Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater", by letting the ego go before you are ready!
You may even want to use your ego to plan a party for your funeral before you let the body and ego go.

Yew: i have no problems with your ego especially since i have no problems with mine * haha...Ron Alexander: Capt. Ego was vital in my outer adventures, while Capt. One is more helpful with the inner ones. .Jerry Simonek But you see, Ron, the One is all inclusive ~ which makes the One also the ego when the One manifest in its infinite aspects. So to total be "Me and my Father/God are One," brings us back around to “me and everything are One in the same;” in...cluding the inside ~ the outside ~ and even the ego (or what we call the ego).

I know somewhere along the way we have to get over the particular aspects of the Infinite Self that we get caught up in; but once we transcend them, the energy that those aspects actually were is still there and still manifesting in all of its various aspects. Which makes it kind of like a song that Donovan sang, "First there is a mountain then there is no mountain then there is. Oh, first there is a mountain then there is no mountain then there is." And the dance with all of its infinite possibilities continues.

Ron Alexander To be whole, we have to include the ego.
Rigel Gioia Jerry you know as i do that you cannot control by control but only by allow yourself to witness it :)
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Jerry Simonek Yes, Rigel. And through observation/witnessing comes realizations ~ from realizations comes awakening ~ from awakening comes directions. Then if we become mindful of this process and practice it consistently we begin to master the process a...nd people begin to call us enlightened.

"Ron, I completely acknowledge your advanced studies in psychology, which exceed mine (no sarcasm here at all). I gather that you see the ego as part of the complete human package; we came equipped with it, therefore it performs necessary functions. And I in no way begin to question the infinte wisdom of the Divine design. Everything is as it should be, especially when it concerns our ultimate purpose. It is an intended creation, from my viewpoint. I do however firmly believe that the grand design affords us many opportunities for personal growth and important spiritual life lessons. Maybe that is where we diverge concerning the ego. From my example of blackberry picking with my sons, I can find nothing positive in the prodding of my ego, to compete and "win" over my own children. I see my own ego as a serious impediment to my connection with the one true source. It has been my ego, for years, which has told me that to surrender to the Divine, is to lose my identity, my individuality. It has been my ego which has resisted returning/assimilating to and with the One who made me. The ego says, "Evan is too special to be lost in a collective," even if that collective is pure love. This is, of course, just my own personal experience, and it may be total hogwash, and completely different for everyone else. Nothing which I have said is textbook, and I did not arrive at any of it overnight. I sincerely thank you for you insights."

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