Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Awakening into Oneness by Arjuna Ardagh - (selection)

God is the air that I breathe, everytime I breathe. God is when I brush my teeth. God is where I play music. God is when I see a beautiful sunset. God is when I argue with someone. God is when we meet. God is when I am feeling pain. This amazing formless, limitless God! There are endless forms of God. You choose whatever you want. You can choose whatever form, whatever experience, whatever ways, to be connected with that amazing creative power. And that's God. God is in everything. I relate with Amma and Bhagavan as forms of God, because I really like them. But you can relate to God as a flame of fire, as a voice within you, as a wind, as Buddha, as Jesus, as Allah, whatever you want. God is not an absolute thing. It's a subjective experience. We have to understand that. God is not an absolute thing. It's not a man or a woman. It's everything. It's everything. So what is God to you? That's the question. We are creators, too. We are creating our lives all the time. We are creating everything. That's why we are in the image of God, because we are also creators. Nahuel Schajris, the Grammy Award-winning musician from Argentina.
It is in the same way, as a creator, that you can let the story of the Oneness Blessing settle now in your heart. In these pages, you have heard some wild and wonderful stories from people all over the world, whose lives have changed in all kinds of ways. If these were only stories of an occasional miraculous healing here or there or of a few people having mystical visions, this phenomenon would have been easier to pigeonhole. It is the sheer magnitude and variety of these stories, and the very short time in which they have all taken place, that makes the Oneness Blessing an enigma. This mysterious Blessing is not an absolute thing; it can be everything. So what will the Oneness Blessing become for you?
That is the question.
p. 199-200

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