Monday, July 12, 2010

Ho'oponopono song -"Forgive 77x70"

For those of you who don't believe that forgiveness is necessary - you probably don't believe an ego or a body is necessary either! (And on another plane - out of the body, you may be right). Remember Jesus says how many times must we forgive? - "77x70" or otherword infinity!
Ron Alexander Ho'Oponopono is a perfect Oneness Prayer "I am sorry, please forgive me...thank you. I love you."

Since we are all One, we must take responsibility for creating the experience that needs forgiveness. We must forgive ourselves, and then trust that the forgiveness will extend to others.

...Saying "I am sorry" is taking responsibility for creating the experience that does not feel right - that is not in my life's flow. I have to own my part for it showing up in my life.

It helps me be a less judgemental, more humble person.
Then comes "Please forgive me" as I have to forgive myself first.

Then I thank myself for forgiving myself, which puts me in a flow of gratitude for Life.

"I love you" helps set me free from guilt and shame. and I become more aware of Divine Love and loving "my neighbor as myself." I cannot love others without loving myself first.

This Ho'Oponopono prayer has helped me to humbly release judgement and be a more compassionate person.
I am so grateful! May All Beings Be Happy & Free

"I am sorry, please forgive me (if I have disturbed you)...thank you (for I know you will, and sinc...e we are one, I know we are forgiving & forgiven). I love you

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