Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Root Cause of Suffering is Feeling Separated

Separation as cause for suffering underscores the importance of the Oneness Movement!

‎"All spirituality is created to relieve suffering." The Buddha
(And the root cause of suffering is the feeling of separation. Viola, the vital importance of the Oneness Movement. Todays group was sweetsweetsweethealingDivine, and keeps getting better all the time.)

Mother Teresa, when asked how she could work with lepers and others with infections?
"I see the Face of Christ when I see them." There is also another story of a writer going to interview her. The author, at first, found an abandoned newborn wrapped in newspaper on the steps leading up to the orphanage. She anxiously carried the baby into the nursery. There she handed the infant over to a nun, who appeared happy, and announced, that the tiny girl was number 44. She noticed other nuns working joyously with the other babies who appeared very calm. Since the writer had to wait for her interview, she busied herself with the little ones, and lost track of time in her enjoyment. When she got into see Mother, she found a little old bent over woman, who humbly told her "you must be a 'pencil for God' too!" Then all of a sudden there was a loud clamor outside with two very richly dressed Indians came bursting in the room. The man had an expensive big jewel on his turban and the woman had expensive jewelry all over her. They shoved the camera at the interviewer and loudly gestured that they wanted photos with Mother Teresa. The richly dressed wife pulled the Mother between them and even pulled up on her chin, and obviously hurt M. Teresa, who made no protest. The writer was horrified. After curtly being told to take several photographs, they abruptly left without a hint of gratitude to M. Teresa and to the author. The writer, who was furiously angry, by now noticed that Mother T. was seemingly not perturbed. So before the interview resumed, she asked M. T. how she could not be angry at the rude obnoxious couple. M. Teresa answered "well, the rich have their needs too." Obviously, Mother Teresa saw the Face of Christ on them also.

Sunday, Jul. 11
Every being is an abode of God, worthy of respect and reverence.Hindu Scripture

This goes hand in hand with yesterday's "If you look at every human being as a Divine mirror,
you will know yourself and understand life."
Sherif Baba

A mind committed to compassion is like an overflowing reservoir - a constant source of energy, determination and kindness. This mind can also be likened to a seed; when cultivated, it gives rise to many other qualities, such as forgiveness, tolerance, inner strength, and the confidence to overcome fear and insecurity. ~Dalai Lama.

‎"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
- Mother Teresa
Ron Alexander: She has such great quotes, thank you! Here is another: "We are created to love and be loved." & "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."

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