Friday, July 16, 2010

Gurdjieff - Meetings with remarkable men (Direct Knowledge)

"Faith cannot be given to men. Faith does not come from thinking. It comes from direct knowledge. Thinking and knowing are quite different."

Yegaun Tan..i know..what you mean ron at least perhaps i have faith that i do :) lol

Noy Traba-g Mind in session ... thanks for this wHoly share.

Ron Alexander You are right, Tan - I have faith and belief in direct knowledge, and the Universe keeps on increasing this Divine Knowing. I am so grateful!

Yewguan Tan I am so grateful! ♥-i sensed your heart in that comment ron yes the universe has been kind to all of us :)

Direct Knowingness of Healing Divine Love: More and more I realize that giving and receiving the Oneness Blessing after the opening meditation, is giving & receiving directly from the Divine. Giving and Receiving Healing Divine Love. The more we give and receive Directly the more faith (Knowledge, Certitude) in Divine Love! I am so grateful to be sharing this great Healing with you All!
"Faith cannot be given to men. Faith does not come from thinking. It comes from direct knowledge. Thinking and knowing are quite different."
Gurdjeiff (Meetings with remarkable men) youtube

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