Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Amazing Oneness Blessing Photo & Story

Comment by Prudence Prajna Blasdell 53 minutes ago Blessings Ron,

the photo was taken in Oct 2007, when my best friend of almost 20 years was visiting from Tennessee and attended Unity Church in Winston-Salem, receiving The Oneness Blessing for the very first time.

after taking the picture, i happened to look in the viewer window, and it was entirely bright white light!

Brenda is an ordained minister for many years (she went to seminary after experiencing a spinal cord injury as a result of being shot by someone when she attempted to intervene on behalf of her mother, who the person was assaulting). Brenda incurred the same level of spinal cord injury as Christopher Reeve (and in fact, her married name now is Reeves), with the prognosis of total neck down paralysis for the rest of her life.

Brenda did not accept the prognosis, and continued her yoga practice/discipline, MENTALLY, and went on to regain sensation and then mobility. she attends to all personal tasks herself, tasks that we take entirely for granted, e.g. personal hygiene, dressing -- though now, due to shoulder discomfort, she needs assistance "transferring", in and out of bed, into the car, etc.

She truly IS a Bright White Light! and The Gift of The Divine for her first Oneness Blessing ever was reflected in this photo.

here is a more detailed accounting of the events of Brenda's "Yoga Miracle":

She is now a Oneness Blessing facilitator, and we hope to go to Oneness Trainer's course in India (if finances manifest allowing me to return for a third time).

much Love & Gratitude IN Divine Grace

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