Friday, June 11, 2010

What do you see when you look in the Mirror?

Who sees thru the EYES that you see thru? Love Yourself (Facebook)

Candice Hayden: Whatever we judge about others always seems to mirror that part of us that we don't want to acknowledge. If we could use that tendency to make ourselves more self aware, we could learn to love ourselves, then others, more. As Byron Katie says, "turn it around" -- amazing how it works! Everything I judge about someone else is EXACTLY what I need to work on:)
To Mirror the Divine:
In this moment, I accept my life the way it shows up. From this acceptance, I now realize the deeper truth of my being. I am a co-creator with the Universe. I focus on the good in my life and simply move toward it in consciousness and action. I am One with God, therefore I am One with All.
The Image or the heart? I only pay attention to horoscopes if they are positive and or interesting: June 12, 2010
Venus, the planet of love, harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of limitations. You might notice that the two of you do not match like the others. And yet, in your hearts, you are practically clones. Can you be ruled by the heart and not by the image?
Michael Milner, the teacher from Oneness Florida now in town leading workshop and giving sermon tomorrow at Unity is a great teacher of Self-acceptance: " When we begin to accept ourselves exactly as we are,
experiencing the full content of each moment without conflict or resistance, and join together around the world with others whose hearts are flowering, the Light of Infinite Love will flood the Earth! - M.M.

Ron Alexander: Beauty within reflects out.
"Give your existence to Existence! Let it happen. dont judge yourself. it's just grace. it's just a feeling.... You are the imageless witness, witnessing this construction, no cultivation. dont give so much importance on your feelings. write in diary, nothing happen....dont try to feel better, dont identify with it...." thanks, Kahu Kahealani Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda
Walk through life being The Face of Love ...
See all with the eyes of your heart ...
None too lost for you to love ... none too low for you to serve ...
Your Love will change the world ....(Thanks, Paul Edward Cherry, Jr.)
Ron Alexander: Love what you see and see what you love.

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