Monday, June 14, 2010

Love is an Unstoppable Force

"Time is too slow for those who wait; too swift for those who fear; too long for those who grieve; too short for those who rejoice; but for those who love, time is eternity." ~ Henry Van Dyke.
Patricia Gianniou: We are the children of The Great Creator, all of us brothers and sisters to each other, one Great Family ... Love One Another, lift each other up, celebrate the beautiful differences you see in each other, don't let the differences separate you from your Family ... We need each other ...
We are all part of The Great Love ... The Great I AM ... All that Is ...

Walk through life being The Face of Love ...
See all with the eyes of your heart ...
None too lost for you to love ... none too low for you to serve ...
Your Love will change the world ....
(Thanks, Paul Edward Cherry, Jr.)
Ron Alexander: Love what you see and see what you love.

Mars, the planet of action, is now in Virgo, the zodiac sign of organization. The pursuit of love is aided by moving constantly in the direction of togetherness. If you become an unstoppable force, will your partnership passion rule the universe?

"Awesome! I believe that LOVE is an unstoppable force. Even when you meet with that attorney on the 15th, let Love pour out of your eyes and heart to him. People are moved into loving right action when they receive that from you because it's so rare a thing to encounter these days. Not a hard thing for you to do because I see the love and light pouring from your entire being.
I am honored to know you and have you call me friend. "

Hi Sweet Captain ~
Have not forgotten tomorrow is your meeting with the Lawyer. Am with you in prayer of two or more gathered in His name, He is there and will answer ...
I know I don't have to tell you Great Spirit is with you ...
Praying the Shield of Christ over you too ....
Will hold you in my thoughts and prayers all day tomorrow Friend.
God Bless ....
In the Fullness of His Love ...

Today"s inspirational horoscope:Mars, the planet of action, harmonizes with Pluto, the planet of transformation. Your attempts at improving a relationship will be rewarded with gains that might have been considered a dream only recently. Can you bring you're "A Game" to love?
Absolutely!!! Awesome!!! Joy, joy, joy ..... Joy unspeakable!

We thank you, Great Spirit of Love, for what we know you are about to do for Ron ... We Love and Bless the trust lawyer because we see his heart is opened by you, Love, to do what is right. .
Ron Alexander: Well, I really appreciate you so much, Patricia. The day started & ended well with two different prayer groups in this home, I have worked so hard on. However, I was handed a "lemon" by the trust lawyer, who broke a verbal agreement of offering me a chance to buy it or sell it, by sending a real estate agent, instead of coming himself. After a couple of hours of being angry and feeling sorry, with the help of a friend, I came up with "lemonade" I expect. First of all, I put off the agent, then I called the lawyer's office and left this message. "I was shocked when I got a call from a real estate agent instead of you. I am glad your wife told me that you were coming tomorrow (I think she was lying), because I already have a contract (a legal one made up by a real estate lawyer) on the house, so we don't need a real estate agent."
Then I realized that it could be a good thing, that the lawyer did not
see the house, as I have it looking so good, he may want more
money for it. If the real estate agent calls back, I am going to tell him that he is not needed as a contract has already been done

"Forgive them for they know not what they do."

Patricia Gianniou Thank you, Friend. I appreciate you so much as well.
What at first may seem bad, will turn out in the end to be Spirit working on your behalf ... just trust and believe in the outcome you want and Spirit will make it happen. Already, the fact that you can buy your house is a very good thing. No wierd contract that you can only live there until you pass over ... Spirit will make the purchase an easy one at a price that surprises you. You will look back at the entire situation and know without a doubt that Spirit did a work for you. I believe that and I see it ....
Sending Love into this situation ... Blessings and peace to you ... .

Ron Alexander: I have just heard from the real estate lawyer who wrote up my contract, and he told me to avoid the real estate agent, and to get the contract to the trust lawyer. He agreed with me that it may be a "blessing in disguise" that the trust lawyer did not see the house, and how good it looks compared to when he was here last year. Blessings to you, my dear friend. I am keeping copies of all of our communication together. We may have an inspirational book between us? in gratitude, ron

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