Sunday, May 9, 2010

Treating your Anger (& your ego) like a Mother would her baby:

Ram Dass interviews Thicht Nhat Hanh
Comment by Cherie Blackfeather: "I like this image of holding anger like a mother holds a baby. I know the experience of holding a very distressed infant in my arms. My instinct is to soothe and rock and bounce that baby and so acknowledge the baby's emotion and to reassure the baby's sense of safety and being cared for. I will practice with myself and with others as well. This is self-soothing. Tenderness toward discomfort. Thank you for this."

Kahu Kahealani Kawaiolamanaloa Satchitananda:
Great Information inner mastery: one part of us taking good care of another part of us....loving kindness taking care of anger like a mother cares for her baby....just energy....mindful awareness....breathing out taking good care of irritations and anger....creates transfor...mation.....anger kind of flower needs mindful. anger can be transformed into compassion and understanding for social change that would not carry destructive results. very important information.!!!

Ron Alexander:
Wow! Kahu, you are so Good! I hope and expect that you had a great Mother's Day! This information is so good, and I add that we treat our much maligned "ego" in the same way as a "Mother takes care of her baby"! What a fantastic Mother's Day gift to us all. I am going to add this to my site, as I know you want to get it out to as many people as possible!

Anger is energy that wants to change something - Jeanne commented - 'Treat Your Anger as a Mother Would her Baby (Another Mother's Day Gift)'Thank-you Ron, for posting this... I'm a long admirer of Thich and especially love this message. ...and the concept of recognizing the potential energy in all things, even anger.