Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother Earth Mother's Day Weekend

Dancing with duality

Mother Earth with earth mother
Sacred with sensual
Spirit with hedonism
Kundalini with testosterone
Ecstasy with addiction
Communing with escapism
Soothing with numbing
Clarity with confusion
Security with anxiety
Boldness with shyness
Me with Maya the illusion
Moi with Mara the enticer
Bliss with Mania
Joy with sadness
Happiness with pleasure
Conviction with trials
High with depression
Touch with tantra
Kiss with sweet lips
Grope with carnal tongue
Innocence with manipulator
Wonder with jaded
Nothing with no thing
Now Here with nowhere
Mellow with drama
Mind with no mind
Reality with reality
Art with artist
Folk art with Fine Art
Light with dark
Sun with shadow
Love with anger
Hope with despair
Healing with wounding
Divinity with judgement
Wisdom with knowledge
Knowledge with ignorance
Giving with non-receiving
Receiving with non-giving
Hippie with Flower Child
Sharing with greed
Unselfish with selfish
Being with doing
Depth with shallow
Consciousness with unconsciousness
Infinite with the finite
Oneness with division
Humble with arrogance
Gratitude with indifference
Joyous with expectation -
God with Goddess

What I have learned from these amazing four days is that I am very weary of this dualistic dance. I much prefer the non-dualistic Sacred Place within and around me. I am happy to be going into silent Vipassana retreat this Thursday with this absolute certainty. I am a co-creator of my life with God like this Artist Karen Cohen ( pictured here. I have observed people cry for joy at seeing her Art. She captures the Sacred Light in her portraits.
May all Beings be truly Happy! Metta, ron

Joy Pleasure Happiness
Joy - Infinite & Eternal -
"Joy is the realization of our oneness, our soul's oneness with the supreme love." Rabindrath Tagore

"Joy is what happens to us when we
allow ourselves to recognize how
good things really are."
Marianne Williamson

Pleasure - short-lasting - ephemeral
- addictive

Joy - from Being
"Joy does not come from what you do, it flows into what you do and thus into this from deep within you." Eckhart Tolle

Pleasure - to escape, numb

For happiness one needs security,
but joy can spring like a flower
even from the cliffs of despair.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

"My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy." James 1:2
Posted by captron at 8:13 PM