Thursday, April 29, 2010

Magnificent Sacred Location for Oneness Blessings

Christi: Where is the Oneness Blessing given on Wednesday?
Lesta Sue Hardee The 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights we go to Little River to a friend of Ron's.... i'm sorry, i thought you knew about it - mark it on your calendar and hopefully you can go with us - next time. It is a beautiful location, very spiritual, lots of ...natural energy, old energy in the woods. I actually got a picture of an orb under the trees in the daylight today. Amazing, i'll post it soon. Tonight was the first time i did the Blessing and the energy was HIGH. I was sweating from so much energy.
Ron Alexander: It was great having Kelly and her beautiful bright 8 & 10 year old, (Bailey & Bradley) there - they shared Oneness Blessings with us. Lesta and Kelly hands were full of God's Loving, Healing Energy and the great balancing thing one was heat and the other cooling - both Divinely Healing though!
And then capped off by magnificent full moon rise over Bird Island which reflected in the Little River Inlet, and then a boat sailed right into the reflection - Magically Beautiful! Thanks, Jackie for letting us use your family's Sacred location adjacent to the Isle of Light!

After Lesta picked up a beautiful pink orb near the "Grandmother" Live Oak before sunset the night before, I went out there the next night and took these photos around the magnificent old Live Oak we call the Grandmother. We have done rituals around here and there is much Native American Sacred energy around noted by many:

Above: "Let there be Light" - the next day on the adjacent Isle of Light:

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