Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Beth was the other trainer at Awakening into Oneness weekend mentioned below. She and Skip formed a beautifully balanced Divine Feminine/Masculine pair leading a spectacular growth spurt event. It felt like I was getting my Masters as a Oneness Blessing Giver! thanks to helping me realize the truth of Oneness... and how it produces a wonderful combo of peace and joy, ron

Skip - one of the Oneness Blessing Givers Training at Awakening into Oneness Week end written about by Marlene below. committed to living loving Oneness, ron

Marlene O'Neill: I just returned from a Oneness Blessing weekend in Myrtle Beach SC. What an amazing experience. Check out my photos that were taken by Ron Alexander. I have never had such peace. I am still processing the weekend and everything I experienced. Our trainers were wonderful teachers with more acceptance an...d love than I hav...e ever seen. The transformation from the Blessings were wonderful. I could feel my brain changing with each experience. I will be sharing more later but for now I want all of you to know I am a Blessing giver and will gift them to whom ever desires one at no charge. When I come to visit sometime this summer I would love to have a gathering and give blessings in person. Meanwhile I hope you will all enjoy them long distant. May peace be with all of you. If you would like to know more about this movement look at the site or or More

Ron Alexander: thanks for adding this. Yesterday was Bliss and a little ungrounded action. Today I meditated first and had a very peaceful mindful Day.

I am One with God, therefore One with All.

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