Monday, March 29, 2010

Oneness Blessings Every Month - groups & training

Ron Alexander
Oneness Blessing (Group tonight and Wed. Night & Training (see below)

The Oneness Blessing results in growth in consciousness. It is the phenomenon behind the work of oneness. It is an act of energy transfer by touch or by the power of intent.

The Oneness Blessing is a non-denominational experience that transfers physica...l energy, awakening our connection with the oneness in everything, al...lowing each of us to deepen our relationship with those we love, with ourselves, with strangers and with our creator.

The Oneness Blessing initiates a neuro-biological change in the brain. There are 16 centres in the brain responsible for definitive experiences like sensory perception, emotions of jealousy, hatred, fear, compassion, love, joy, separation, connectedness, creativity, learning, etc. Oneness Blessing results in the activation of certain centres and the de-activation of certain other centres thus bringing about a shift in the perception and experience of life.
Namaste One,
Just a friendly reminder of the powerful Oneness Blessing event this coming Monday night at 6:45(Blessing Givers please be there by 6pm) at JoAnna's home. 144 Myrtle Grande Dr, Conway.
Reports of miraculous life changes are continuing to flow. Please join us for another magical evening of Oneness, limitless love and causeless joy.
See you Monday!

Blessings of OneSpirit,

We ARE peace. Let us remember.

And Ron adds: "Oneness Blessings Every Moment" I just sent you a blessing!
''WORD FOR THE DAY Friday, Mar. 26 Give thanks for
unknown blessings already on their way.
Native American prayer''

C. S. adds:
Thank you . . . I am beginning to feel as if the blessings are surrounding me every moment of the day . . . I think it is the Oneness Blessing . . .
Also, join us at the beautilul Isle of Light at Jackie's warm old family home at 7 on Wed. Call ron at 249-5723 (leave message) for directions.
In addition, become a Oneness Blessing Hugger with Beth's workshop at the Yoga Room on April 24th and 25th.
One way that I measure my progress in experiencing Oneness is by the increase of joy in my life. "Joy is the realization of the truth of Oneness..." Rabindroth Tagore

C. S. March 29 at 9:28pm
Thank you for using my quote . . . lovely energy tonight . . . aren't we lucky . . .
Ron Alexander March 29 at 10:22pm
Yes, though I don't use the word "lucky". Divine Grace is pouring into us, because we know of it & accept it - we are ready. Thank you for being there - I feel a brother - sister type connection with you, Lesta, Wayne and the rest of the Givers! In the Spirit of One Love, ron
C. S. March 29 at 10:35pm
You are absolutely right . . . I am using old language to describe something that has been waiting for me to be ready . . . something always there that I was not mature enough to accept . . . Joanna sat beside me & told me that I was ready . . . just a huge responsibility . . . Ron Alexander March 29 at 10:45pm
"responsibililty" - the ability to respond! as opposed to reacting unconsciously! You, C. , are ready - you are responding consciously. thanks for being a clear mirror in oneness, ron

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