Monday, March 29, 2010

Critical Mass - "The 100th Monkey" - Long Distance Healing

.Comment by The Ancient One on March 23, 2010 at 1:37pm Once you begin living a more spiritually fulfilling life, your sense of connection actually increases. Regardless of how others live their lives, your inner sense of connection and love for those with whom you interact increases. As you recognize the truth in you, so too will you begin to recognize that the same truth exists in all of your brothers and sisters. Others around you might still choose to experience fear and pain which they demonstrate through expressions of stress, anxiety, judgment and anger. You will have compassion for them, because you will understand where they think they are coming from. But you will not share in their thoughts about themselves, or be involved in their pain and suffering, for you will quickly recognize that it is an illusion they are experiencing.

- James Blanchard Cisneros, You Have Chosen to Remember: A Journey From Perception to Knowledge, Peace of Mind and Joy, p. 52 Comment by Ron Alexande Critical Mass - "The 100th Monkey"
Scientists studied monkeys on different islands far apart from each other, with no way to communicate, When a certain amount of monkeys on one island learned to use a stick as a tool, mysteriously the monkeys on the other island started using sticks as a tool.
Long distance healing can take place in same way if enough of us get healed in our own lifes.
I like comment above, and I think our two ideas can be integrated. Any takers?
Should this be a "discussion"? .

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