Thursday, November 12, 2009

Embracing Love by Amara Rose

How connected are we beyond social media? The imagined barriers between people and among countries have never been more diaphanous; a strong breeze could blend perceived boundaries like drifting sand. And as the old structures deliquesce, the vessel that will carry us through this monumental transition is Love.

Shaman and healer Brant Secunda says deer medicine opens our hearts. His words resonate: on my journey home in 1994, I began communing with deer everywhere, signaling "friendship" - and they didn't dash away. This lends a whole new meaning to the phrase, "deer heart".

Yet truly embracing love is a frightening experience for most people, however much we may want to. Fusion means to pour or melt; "con" means with, so "confusion" ought to translate into melting together - which it does, though not in a way that tends to serve the people involved. How do we love - fuse - with clarity?

In Home with God, Neale Donald Walsch's final book in his Conversations With God series, he faces the topic that inspires humanity's greatest fear and fascination: the experience we call Death.

The book is an extraordinary prescription for LIFE. I'm particularly moved by the following passage, where God speaks about "whole person centering," or living fully in the Now.

"It is especially difficult to look another human in the eye for any period of time at all without beginning to fall in love. That is why people look away from each other so quickly. They don't dare look each other right in the eye for very long. The love that will follow will overwhelm them. Yet it is because they do not know what to do with that love that they are overwhelmed.

"The moment you surrender to love and allow it to lead you to exactly where your soul wants to go, you will have no difficulty. All struggle then will cease, and you will know Oneness."

Lately, the Hopi prophecy about these times has been reverberating strongly in my mind. It's never been truer than right now, as we surge toward the conclusion of a World Age. As the old ways become cosmic compost, Love is shining its Light more powerfully than ever before, bleaching falsehood from our souls, enlightening and enlivening us, bringing more joy to the journey.

2012 is the end of the spin cycle - old preconceptions and prejudices come out in the wash, and we get to begin anew

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