Friday, November 13, 2009

Count It All Joy

"Joy springs from a sense of connection to the Divine and is a quality which illuminates you."

Your Angel guidance is to cultivate this quality by seeking the Divine in every situation. Look beyond the surface and seek the light in the heart of each person. Then you will become aware of the wonder of creation and joy will ignite your life.

Angel wisdom suggests that you delight in everything, for joy is the key to enlightenment. Enjoy Life!

Sunday, Nov. 15

Do not look for rest in any pleasure,
because you were not created for pleasure:
you were created for Joy. And if you do not
know the difference between pleasure and joy
you have not yet begun to live.

Thomas Merton

Consider it all joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of all kinds,
because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
James 1:2-3

Affirm often: "I find joy in everything"

If you look at every human
being as a Divine mirror,
you will know yourself
understand life.

Sherif Baba

Reply by Francois Ward
Couldn't agree more just see love
in everyone because it is just yourself
you are looking at
, thanks Ron

Reply from Maria,
Thank you Ron...that was timely...I was just reading about what Jesus said about treating everyone...what you do to them, you do to him. etc.Have a terrific week!

<strong>Be as one, as my Father and I are one. Jesus

Joy is the realization of our oneness, the oneness of our souls with supreme love. Tagore

Unity of Self by Mary Pat Alexander

Unity is a theme that many are focusing on in this time of expansion. So often we do tend to think outwardly…unity of countries, unity of groups of people. We affirm “we
Are One”.

In our healing journey we learn that we must first focus on healing of Self. In doing so, we raise the vibration of all others around us. We raise the vibration of the collective consciousness of the planet. It is in this thought pattern I look at unity. Unity must first start with Self. Unity within then manifests outside of ourselves as our physical reality - a mirror of who we are.

To understand this with more clarity, imagine yourself as consciousness, as an energy pattern. Give yourself the color white. And then think of all the different aspects of who you are. Giving you a personal example: the Pat with perfect eyesight, the Pat with limited eyesight, the Pat who is calm, the Pat who is stressed, the Pat who is the perfect weight, the Pat who is overweight, the Pat that is a wife, the Pat that is a mother, the Pat that loves helping others, the Pat that loves doing things for herself…..the list should be a large one consisting of all the things that you are. Yes, this will take a bit of time :)

Take the time to feel each one as you think of that particular part of yourself, visualizing each one of those aspects of yourself as an energy pattern each with a different color. In your visual surround your conscious Self (the white light) with all of these energies…seeing each of them as a colorful sphere of light. In this we are visualizing each as an individual part of ourselves.

When you are ready, bring the spheres of light, the different aspects of You, into your core integrating them as One, in unity. You will see and feel all the different colors merge with the white light of your core. Your conscious self is now a beautiful opalescent color. Feel the Unity of the one Self.

In this feeling you are One.

Life happens while we make other plans. The important message here- is to make plans, be flexible, expect delays and detours. Remember life is a journey and not a destination. A long the way make time to live well - love much and laugh often.

Have a wonderful week full of love, light and make some time for chocolate
Anne-Marie McCormack

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