Monday, October 26, 2009

To Experience Oneness, See Everyone as a Divine Mirror

Monday, Oct. 26

If you look at every human
being as a Divine mirror,
you will know yourself
understand life.

Sherif Baba

Reply by Francois Ward
Couldn't agree more just see love
in everyone because it is just yourself
you are looking at, thanks Ron

Reply from Maria,
Thank you Ron...that was timely...I was just reading about what Jesus said about treating everyone...what you do to them, you do to him. etc.Have a terrific week!

We are all innocent, loving the best we can.
Thank you, Linda for bringing back this dialogue ("Narcissism or Self - love?). I have returned to my mantra: "Everyone (including ourselves) is innocent and loving the best they can" after re-reading all of the wisdom in your and the other replies plus some positive dialogue with my nephew (facing up to 30 years in jail); Also, when I use the Ho'Oponopono "I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you. I love you" - it starts with me and I send it outwards to those I have judged (like Mom, most recently).

Thought of the Day by Story Waters, 10/26/09

Love is freedom. It is the foundation upon which you create. Unconditional love can only birth through loving your Self for you cannot love anyone more than you unconditionally love yourself. All love you give to others that you do not give to yourself is conditional love as it represents a separation rather than unification between you. Loving without condition connects the fabric of reality.
hi ron,
thanks for your alert that you'll copy the "thought of the day by Story Waters" - i'm happy you did and also glad you kept the mention of the author of this great snippet - it's so true in my experience and yet so hard to come by -

one person had asked Story, why she could feel unconditional love for her son and not for herself and Story answered the following:

Story Waters:
Perhaps he is a mirror of what is possible, a mirror of what can birth from within you, so your love for him is a mirror of your potential to directly love your Self. Children are incredible mirrors of the love that has always been within you, waiting to be birthed. May you discover the love for your children in the mirror of your Self. xxx

i found that to explain beautifully why we sometimes can't give ourselves that unconditional love yet, but do feel it for our loved ones (mainly our children i think).

the never ending topic love
- and when are we comprehending, integrating and living that we ARE love already ?.... claudia

Doreen A Agostino has sent you a message on Architects of a New Dawn

Thank you Ron.

May I add something about the mirror?

When I am triggered emotionally in a negative way by what the mirror reveals; this signals a hidden gift or higher purpose. In essence the mirror reflects my inner emotional wounded self crying out for love and oneness with me.

When I am without emotion by what the mirror reveals, it is an invitation to allow others to be that which they are without judgment. Curious to hear your views.
Warm regards,
Dear Doreen, thanks for your deep thoughtful response and question. I am taking my time to answer you, as it is such a profound subject. I am studying several writings right now that are helping me formulate an answer including THE UNIVERSE IN A SINGLE ATOM by His Holiness The Dalai Lama. I consider this subject so vital to our growth as human beings, I would like to dialogue with you publicly on-line or co-write a book about it or both! What mutual group here would be an appropriate venue or could we start a new one on "Experiencing Oneness Dialogue"?

P.S. In grad. school, one of my favorite friends/co-students last name was Rose D'agostino. She helped me with a workshop on Attitudinal Healing for the Krishnamurti group in the Sierras. I used to work for Jerry Jampolsky at his Center, when it was in Sausalito

Reply by William Kimmel:
Nice. We are all one anyway. I think really there is no mirror but see where the saying is coming from. I like your title better "Gratfulness for Divine Mirrors". Gatefulness for The Divine. Cool~

"I once asked my physicist friend David Bohm this question: From the perspective of modern science, apart from the question of misrepresentation, what is wrong with the belief in the independent existence of things? His response was telling. He said that if we examine various ideologies that tend to divide humanity, such as racism, extreme nationalism, and the Marxist class struggle, one of the key factors of their origin is the tendency to perceive things as inherently divided and disconnected." His Holiness The Dalia Lama from p. 51 of his book The Universe in a Single Atom.

reply by William Kimmel
Wonderful.....It really is all based in our perception of things. Good.....Nuteral......Bad. It is dependant on our experience somewhat and what we have been taught. Our embedded conceptual thinking, one might say. When we train our self to look beyond our own concepts and judgments with compassion, our mind expands and we begin to see how things really are. The divine eye that sees the mirror. The mirror is just a reflection of our true nature. To "love one another" (Golden Rule). We see that we face the same basic emotions and causes of suffering regardless of race, nationality or religion Then we can have a truly harmonious and peaceful world.~

Hi Ron,
i'd like to let you know that i know very little of Buddhism practices/theology. I have very early in my life decided that i would follow no religion and i still hold it this way. This decision does not mean that I am against religion, it just means, i have in this life no desire to follow one. I have however had a great journey away from the initial "christian" indoctrinations from my childhood where a "God" was placed at the top towards the understanding at age 15, that I hold this "God-ness" inside of me, in my heart and that i AM a spark of "God" or "All that is"... mind you that was 1976.
i have since had epiphanies and experiences that bring certain knowledge, or wisdom, if you will. the greatest transformation came to me when I realized, that not only are we all one, but we are here to learn about love and at the core of this love of self. Once, the many sparks (or say, the critical mass of sparks) have learned to love themselves, the ONE (God?) will have made the experience it has set out to do. I believe the "big bang" to be the splitting up of the ONE into a myriad of singular particles and before that, I can only imagine absolute stillness, and a great amount of boredom. Perhaps the one decided to split itself up into these sparks, because it was bored? or because there was a possible curiosity to find out how it would be to love oneself.

The "playground" earth is set up ingeniously in my opinion.
It creates a singular reality for each individual and that mirrors exactly what is inside that individual. There are no victims, we are just all actors in our own play, that we write, create, direct and act in. Sometimes this "stage/actor/director" idea comes to me so clearly, when i'm interacting with others and it creates a wave of laughter so strong, it is hard to hold back. I have often wondered if that is what creates the perma-smile on the Dalai Lama's face ?... who's to say.

In that smile, i see many things, i see understanding, compassion, love, not just for others, that would be sort of arrogant, but mainly for oneself. Carlos Santana writes: "The world would be transformed if all of us would practice forgiveness.My heart tells me that." and i hope he means that we need to forgive ourselves first for ALL the goof-ups, ALL the silly mistakes, ALL the moments we weren't balanced and in loving kindness. Only then do we have the courage to tap into our hearts, to know what is truly our essence. We are made of love, have been scattered around the globe with the veil of forgetfulness in order to experience ALL and return to who we truly are. WE ARE LOVE - your grandmother, for whatever reason was able to give you unconditional love, she showed you who you are and if you feel it saved your life, then i have a suspicion, it DID!... it only takes ONE adult in a child's life and it does not have to be a parent, to "save" it from whatever atrocity is going on. You can only honor your grandmother by trying to see in yourself what she obviously was able to see in you - a being whose essence is love, a being who is basically kind, compassionate and forgiving. a being who potentially can recognize that who he is - LOVE...

ok - that was a long sort of message ron, i don't mean to indoctrinate anyone, these are my core beliefs of life and so far i haven't found any better ones :)... take what resonates with you, leave the rest and thanks for being open to read it all :)
lovely to get to know you - every encounter is an opportunity to look into the mirror of life anew :)


Vipassana means to see things as they really are, and was started by Gautama Buddha 2600 years ago. "...Buddha taught: an art of living. He never established or taught any religion, any 'ism'. He never instructed those who came to him to practice any rituals, any empty formalities. Instead, he taught them just to observe nature as it is, by observing the reality inside. Out of ignorance we keep reacting in ways which harm ourselves and others. But when the wisdom arises-the wisdom of observing reality as it is-this habit of reacting falls away. When we cease to react blindly, then we are capable of real action-action proceeding from a balanced mind, a mind which sees and understands the truth. Such action can only be positive, creative, helpful to ourselves and to others." S.N. Goenka "The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation".

Hi Claudia, as you can see above, Buddha was not about starting a religion. l really enjoyed your letter. It fits well with my beliefs. My experience is that form disappears but the essence remains.
The form could be the body, while the essence is the energy of unconditional love like my Grandmother sent me. Buddhism does not even have a word for God, unless it it the Universe, which they think is infinite and eternal. So I believe that God, Higher Power, Inner Power, Great Spirit, Great Mystery (my favorite) or the Universe is energized by Love. "God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind."
no mistake, ron

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