Friday, October 30, 2009

Science and Spirituality

Comment by Ron Alexander on October 27, Spirituality & Quantum Physics:
"I once asked my physicist friend David Bohm this question: From the perspective of modern science, apart from the question of misrepresentation, what is wrong with the belief in the independent existence of things? His response was telling. He said that if we examine various ideologies that tend to divide humanity, such as racism, extreme nationalism, and the Marxist class struggle, one of the key factors of their origin is the tendency to perceive things as inherently divided and disconnected." His Holiness The Dalia Lama from p. 51 of his book The Universe in a Single Atom.

In Loving Oneness, ron

Comment by mary rose on October 27, 2009 at 7:10pm Ron, I very much appreciate your comment about David Bohm and his response to you with regard to perceiving things as inherently divided and disconnected as so many do today. While i was not fortunate enough to converse with Bohm, my mentor of many years, V. Vernon Woolf, founder of the International Academy of Holodynamics had many discussions with him. And, i consider myself to be extremely fortunate to have been introduced to quantum physics through the study of Holodynamics meaning that one must understand the multi-dimensional dynamics of any given situation in order to comprehend the many different inter-actions going on within the whole and thus find solutions to any challenges which might arise within any given situation. There is always so much overlap going on that it soon becomes obvious that there are no beginnings and no endings -- that everything we do affects everything else.

Thank you, Ron, for also providing the correct title to the Dalia Lama's book - It is one i do not own, although i have read it, and have been writing "The Universe In An Atom" when referring to it and leaving out the word "single".

Another theory of Bohm's that has been quite useful to me is that of there being an Implicate Order to the Universe which holds true even in chaos. In one of John Assaroff's videos the other day on Facebook, he was saying: "Don't worry about the Universe it is always OK -- it will always be there for you."

with much love and appreciation, m r .

Hi dear Mary Rose, thank you for your learned contribution. I am going to copy it and add to my collection of connections between science and spirituality. David Bohm was talking to The Dalia Lama, who wrote that in his book. I did not have the pleasure of meeting Dr. Bohm, but have been blessed to work with The Dalia Lama and Yolanda King (drama therapy type support) with "Children of War" in San Francisco 15 to 20 years ago. It was so sad to hear of Yolanda's passing as I think she was the best of MLK, Jr.'s children. much gratitude, ron

Spirituality & Quantum Physics Comment by mary rose on October 9, 2009 at 11:30am In my book, The Sacred Quest for the Who of I Am, which discusses the biology of human consciousness while at the same time exploring what i call the 'cultural baggage" that accompanies it in the form of religious beliefs, I will be defining "quantum entrainment" as the state of being in which both hemispheres of the brain are integrated and entrained with the heart brain This then making the mind/body connection.

In her book, "Molecules of Emotion" pharmacologist, Dr. Candace Pert, reveals the body as being the sub-conscious mind. Information from cellular biolgist, Dr. Bruce Lipton reveals that each cell in the body is configured exactly like a computer chip, so here we have the vision of the body/mind configured like a quantum computer with the heart being the energy cord that connects us to the electromagnetic energy field which underlies all of life and to the electromagnetic field surrounding the Earth.

While the entire picture is not complete, at least that i am able to find as a research journalist, what appears is that when the heart and the brain are entrained, we are configured as a hologram. But, i am only providing the simple version here it is really much more complex.

What the New Biology or New Science is revealing is that the "divine" is not "out there" someplace, we are the Divine in the form of a coded energy field with a coded energy field being defined as a "field of in-form-ation". In other words, since form follows function, we are, as a field of information coded as to what our mission in life is about.

As we understand more about who we really are, it becomes easier to understand how quantum or energy healing takes place and why so-called miracles are really natural normal occurrences that some have tried to replace with chemical drugs in order to make money.

I really love your video Sky and the healing music you provide along with the visuals. In the realm of energy healing we are learning more and more about the ability of music to create both chaos and coherence patterns in the human energy field and what the benefit to society as a whole would be if we would devote our listening time to healing music. However, if we do a "walk on the wild" side so to speak, we can bring the body/mind field back into a coherence pattern by listening to healing music afterwards so that no harm is done by listening to sounds that produce incoherent mind/body patterns.

Coherence patterns are denoted both by measuring the number of hertz per second at which the body is vibrating and viewing the aura with its corresponding colors.

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