Monday, May 18, 2009

The Practice of Returning

Comment by Ron Alexander
The Practice of Returning
Dharma Master/musician Will Tuttle told us yesterday that "meditation is a practice of returning - returning to the Presence."I can relate to that, as I find my mind wandering alot during meditation, and then I return, and remain with unconditional regard with myself (as dear Silja reminds us often). Interestingly, the word Present (or Gift) could be used as well as Presence - returning to the Present or returning to the Gift.

Silja answers:
Yes, I agree with you! The presence is really everything, the real source of our being. But when dealing with something unpleasant, we just try to slip away into our thoughts of the past\the future or just start worrying about it. If the condition like this last for a long time in our lives, then it can even lead to depression or just anxiety. It can drag us down. But then it is really vital to recreate the connection with the present moment and to find what we can do with it. It is needless to remind that using the meditation as the way to escape from dealing with our lives does not get us any closer to our real nature. But the meditation in our real presence is powerful, totally powerful. Then it is not the searching, but instead it is living. But to get this connected feeling to the everyday life filled all kind of experiences, that is what I would like to call the real goal. To keep this feeling no matter what we have to face.

Comment by desmond green 22 hours ago Yes Silja,
We are all here for the fun of helping ourselves and each other to move fearlessly into our inner and outer truths. This is truly the time to spread our wings and celebrate ourselves and this wonderful opportunity which we are all creating together to expand our consciousness into the next stage of our reality, and our new dawn.
We are love, we are light, we are beauty, we are Gods and Goddesses, we are Divine humans, we are our demons and dragons and we are accepting all of ourselves completely and the rest of life unconditionally, "ONE CONSCIOUS DEEP BREATH AT A TIME".
Lots of love and joy.

Comment by Silja Saareoks 1 day ago Thank you Desmond!
It is the time now when everyone needs the helping hand or supporting words in this path of development. Cause thats what we really are, we're always surrounded and supported even when facing difficulties. The whole world is in a great change and that really influences each and every one of us living on this planet. The breathing is really important, it is for the understanding. Also about the whole creation and the nature, it lets us to understand. It is a true blessing to have a friend as you are. It is a blessing to have You all here the way you are. Just keep shining! Love, Silja

Comment by desmond green 1 day ago Yes Silja,
We are truly entering into the state of accountability in which we are now taking full responsibility for ourselves. We are now learning to love ourselves as our breath and realizing that conscious deep breathing is the skill to practice and perfect and use at all times.
It is indeed a matter of practicing and having fun with ourselves as our new way of life, one conscious deep breath at a time.
Eye love you and trust that you love yourself as passionately and as completely as you can because we are all of what life is and how it works. Indeed this is what we are here with one another to do. To usher in this our new way of embracing all of who we are and expressing ourselves fearlessly and fully from within.
Lots of joy and fun.

I find it really powerful to use the short meditation before going to sleep and also early in the morning. The alarm clock can also be used when it is a working day just not to be worried about the time. I know that many people don't suggest falling asleep from the meditation, well I really do. From my own experiences I can tell that it can also help. First of all to spend some time to relax from too many thoughts that have been filled to the mind through the day. For that it is really better to sit and not to lay down yet. Just until feeling the full connection to the inner feelings, then it is great to use some technique that we feel is suitable for the moment. After that it can be laid down and to use some visualizing. From that in my opinion it is really great to fall asleep. I do remember the dreams that I have at night most of the times. These can also give the idea what needs to be working with.
Well, that period of time, that is being used in the evening or in the morning can be just about ten minutes, but it can give the immense influence.
Thank you.

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