Monday, May 18, 2009

Gratitude for Everything

Wednesday, May. 20 (

Gratitude can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend.
It makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today,
and creates a vision for tomorrow.

Melody Beattie href="">Michele Selinger

Hi Linda
Gratitude changes everything for me, I experience such a feeling of lightness, peace and freedom. The biggest challenge for me was becoming grateful for all I happened to be feeling, whether it was anger, sadness, etc. Now when I am grateful for all around and all I feel within, it seems the lesson comes to me quicker. We live in an amazing world, and I am grateful to be a part of this time, and for all people that have come and gone through my life, for all they have bought to me.Michele

Michele Selinger, thank you for sharing. What struck me was when you said: "...Gratitude changes everything for me, I experience such a feeling of lightness, peace and freedom. The biggest challenge for me was becoming grateful for all I happened to be feeling, whether it was anger, sadness, etc. Now when I am grateful for all around and all I feel within, it seems the lesson comes to me quicker."My question is how did you do it?My experience is that sometimes the resentment is too great against a person or institution, and I am blocked off from being grateful (for example when I'm stuck in fear and/or anger....). If you could offer more than the praying for the enemy thing that would be great....Thanks,Mike

Hi Mike – thank you for your response. I have been thinking about my answer to your question for a few days now. To be honest I have never really thought about the process I used.I started to work on expanding my gratitude practice when I realized I could say “Thank you for the lesson that this person or situation was bringing me”, yet it felt as if I was just repeating the words because it was something I should do.Understanding that when I was feeling anger, jealousy, fear etc, that I was being shown a place inside of me that was wounded, helped me to see and embrace the idea that I wanted to “feel” gratitude for these people/times as well, as these are my times of greatest learning.
The first step for me was to let go of the person or the situation so I would be free (and them as well) to move inside to examine what I was feeling, and why, and working to change it. I used visuals to do this. I would pull the person or situation into my mind, see myself thanking them for bringing to my attention something that was off within myself, presenting me with the opportunity to heal it and put them into a pink bubble filled with love and watch them move toward the universe.Once I had released them, I started repeating different statements depending on what I was feeling.
“Thank you for this anger I feel inside, for it is showing me I was feeling invalidated”.
“Thank you for the jealousy I am feeling deep within, as it is showing me I am feeling I am not smart enough, good enough to achieve something I desire”
“Thank you for the love flowing from me on this day, as it reminds me of my essence, and that of everyone else’s”.I found that in order to expand these statements from “Thank you for the anger I am feeling”, to what it was showing me, I had to go inside and ask myself some tough questions. From there I was able to see what I could learn from what I was feeling.If I find that I am feeling anger over a perceived injustice and am having trouble finding gratitude, I will start by sending the situation love. By doing this I can let it go, knowing that everything that happens is as it is meant to be – usually by doing this I am able to flip into my gratitude state.Each day I set my intention to be in touch with what I am feeling, and from there I start my gratitude statements and use visuals when I needed them. Now I know when I am out of my “love space” I can choose to use this to bring myself back into that space – or not, and it has become automatic.Thanks again for your response, I hope this helps you on your gratitude path…Michele…

Hey Michelle,Thank you for that. It really does help. It's been said I'm a bit too analytical, but that's how I am made at present. To summarize those concepts I particulary liked is to include:
1) Visualization of a resentment floating away in a big pink bubble. Your a girl, so mine might be like aqua green or blue--but I really dig that.
2) Go inside further
3) Feeling the feelings, even if they are uncomfortable. After all, often we have no choice but to feel them.
4) Love a situation (even if it is messed up).

What concepts. And definitely better than just saying "pray" about it. This preparation may make that asking in prayer a bit easier....Best regards,Mike

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