Monday, April 27, 2009

The Key is Inside of Our Own Hearts

Comment by Silja Saareoks
The life can give us ups and downs, but inside of us there is a place we can count on. It can be entered at any time we want just by feeling our own love and by showing and spreading it we can stay in this place and must never let go of it. We can do all we can to stay connected with it or to do anything just to stay out, but the place is always waiting for us. The key is inside of our own heart.Thank you all for this continuous showing the how beautiful is this place of yours. Thank you so much.

Thank you Silja,Eye love you and our family with all of myself. Eye have you all already as aspects of my own Spirit,mind, soul and body forever. Our entire universe is ourselves feeding us through one another and inviting us to celebrate ourselves consciously and fearlessly by accepting ourselves completely and one another unconditionally. It is so entirely freeing just to love and allow life to love us back.Lots of love and Joy.Desmond

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