Monday, April 27, 2009

Be a Love Finder Rather Than a Fault Finder

Forgive the correction of a simple error Ron. The principle, "We can be love finders rather than fault finders." is the correct phrase from the 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing.

Thank you, as it can be a whole way of life.It is so easy to be in the ego, righteous and arrogantly criticizing and judging those who see, do or think differently from ourselves. I am profoundly grateful for when I become aware of doing this and change my attitude. It is what contributes to peace of mind.Please overlook when I get a little goofy here - we all need to laugh and not take ourselves too seriously. Sometimes it's just my way of expressing my love for all you magnificent beings.

Correction Taken with gratitude, Dear Violette, I agree and thank you for doing it.When I use "we can be love finders rather than fault finders" , I do have a complete change of attitude, especially starting right here in my neighborhood.I do appreciate you bringing the principles back to me. They are much more profound to me than 20 years ago, when I was working at the Center for Attitudinal Healing. You are Love Finder, Ron

Yesterday I added and changed a few things on my profile page. "Condemn and you are made a prisoner. Forgive and you are freed" #2 in Lesson 198. What follows is "Such is the law that rules perception." However I left it without that because I felt it was very powerful and succinct standing alone. For my not too agile memory as you say K.I.S.S. helps me keep it together.Sweet Jesus I am so grateful for the course and AH. I would have taken my own life back in the "80s without it. When after living a life of victimhood, I read "You are not a victim of the world you see," everything changed for me and it was the trail of breadcrumbs that lead me out of the forest.I am also grateful to Jerry for picking salient points from the course that one could live by. Another simple formula that works if you learn to apply it when you begin drowning in the creation of your own chaos and illusions....Ron as much as possible, especially during these times, I work on sitting in the audience being an observer of the drama. WE will come out the other side victorius, bless us all. Violette

The attention we pay to the nature of our thinking, therefore is the most powerful attention we can pay. Our spiritual victory lies in rising above our mental forces of fear and limitation, using our wands to purify our thought forms, thus attaining the power to heal and be healed. We will think anew and and see anew. Such is humanity's next step, our spiritual challenge, our power and our destiny. Marianne Williamson from Everyday Grace.

We can choose to be love finders rather than fault finders. Jerry Jampolsky

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