Friday, February 6, 2009

Pray Without Ceasing - 1 Thessalonians 2:17

How to Change Cursing Without Ceasing to Praying Without Ceasing

1. Enter the "secret place of the Most High" (where the "spirit of the Lord is".)
This is the place within us where God delivers the "All that It is to us."

2. How do we go to this Sacred Place within? Meditation ("Be still and know".), "make affirmations, repeat beautiful passages, or just sit in quiet contemplation of your thoughts, realizing the presence of life."
Going to our Divine Place within "leads to the conclusion that the Power exists and is available.
All life, all health, all love, all peace exist in this Power.
Our loneliness, our sense of isolation, our poverty, our doubt, and our sickness are results of being disconnected in consciousness from this Divine Self."

3. Making affirmations: "I let go of every inharmonius, limiting thought.
I quietly turn within and acknowledge that Holy Spirit (Inner Presence) of my own being.
Beautiful, uplifting feelings of harmony, peace, and love flow through me like a river,
elevating my consciousness to a new and higher level of acceptance and unity."

Much of the above was paraphrased from Ernest Holmes "Daily Wisdom".

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