Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Everybody loves me some people just don't know it yet."

Dear Rev. Margaret,
thanks again for bringing me back to Byron Katy's The Work.
Above is one of my favorite quotes by her.

Another favorite quote is "Forgiveness means what you thought happened didn't."

Her work is perfect for my thinking about the "betrayal by my wife" and "the same feelings of Mom and my Aunt and nephew betraying me by 'being a a part of scapegoating and disinheriting me". How you turned around your ex-husband working with Byron was perfect: "my thinking has betrayed me by keeping the story going." I am betraying, scapegoating, and disinheriting myself every time I think those thoughts.

I had forgotten until last night how flexible one can be around the turn-arounds - 'keep on trying them until one fits the thinking the best." For example from last night - "The mass media is killing us." I first turned it around to "the mass media is not killing us" yet since I have found two transformed broadcasters plus some really good samaritan shows (like one Kelly mentioned last night), and of course Oprah, I can turn it around to "the mass media is helping heal me."

Here is my early morning "Thrival" quote (with some paraphrasing of Ernest Holmes). "I live in peace, knowing my loving free Spirit attracts caring friends and all I need to be fulfilled."

Also, I told you last night about her amazing defenselessness. When she is attacked (rarely but once in a while), she takes a moment, goes in and invariable says 'I think I can find that (part of myself). And then smiles and sometimes says "thank you for helping me realize more of me."

Remember a few months ago, I told you that you reminded me of Katy? Her work is all about the realization of Oneness.
"Joy is the realization of our soul's oneness with supreme love." Tagore.
I bet somewhere in Katy's writings we will find a similar quote.

committed to Oneness (especially difficult ones), Ron

p.s. Sometimes Katy will back off compassionately on making you turn around something you fiercely believe in. When I worked on my brother's death in Viet Nam - she asked me if that is true when I told her "something came to me at the time of my Brother's death, and enraged I tore up the barracks - with understanding fellow medics supporting me and helping me clean up. Two days later the chaplain came and told me the sad news, and I was ready - part of me already knew." At her question, I got really stubborn and would not give it up. Katy started saying "sometimes your stories are so precious, that by all means, keep them if you need them." I would substitute "beliefs" for stories when they are so ingrained."

Also, I have extra Katy worksheets I will supply, it you think they would help the class.

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