Monday, November 17, 2008


My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. I John 3:18

Humanity and Divinity will be identical when we recognize Divinity in humanity. We must learn to see through the apparent, to not judge according to appearances, and to realize that at the center of every person's soul God is enthroned.

Today, I extend the hand of compassion to everyone I meet. I permit my inner vision to penetrate every apparent obstruction, every obstinate attempt to cover up the Divine, every ignorant misuse of the Law of Good. I withdraw the veil that hides my real self, and in so doing unveil the Reality in others. Today I love as never before, I draw close to the Spirit in everything and everyone.
Paraphrased fr0m Ernest Holmes' A Year of Daily Wisdom (Nov. 17)

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