Friday, November 14, 2008

Care -for-giving

Ron, Glad to know you are well my friend. None of my business really and say so if you like it wont hurt my feelings any, Havent you put up with enough BS from Barry by now?fm

fm, that is a good question, and thank you for allowing me to reflect on it.
Barry was left with no choice after his overdose a few weeks ago. After he got out of detox, he had to move in with me or go homeless. Since his overdose, where he almost died, I (really Spirit). have had to take charge So far, Barry has been grateful and humble. A woman at my church went through the same thing with herself and her son, and she knows a therapist who "was miraculous" for her and her family. Now, I have Barry under the care of same counselor, and Barry is responding well to the treatment with a spiritual emphasis.

Mom and my Aunt cannot afford to take care of him anymore, and frankly they are too old! I am weaning him off manipulating them, and they are very grateful to me. Finally I am out of the "scapegoat" role in the family back to the "caregiver" role, where I always was, but not understood - they mixed up my ability to respond with "trying to take control.". Remember, I am a trained therapist and moved back here to be a "rescuer", which I have found to be a most difficult path - finally I am helping for sure.

"I open my heart to God, and receive the blessing that forgiveness brings me.

My forgiveness of myself is related to my forgiveness of others, because my willingness to forgive others inspires me to also forgive myself. My life is enriched as this cycle of giving and receiving continues to bless me and all my relationships." Unity Daily Word

all for-givingness, Ron

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