Monday, June 2, 2008

My Deepest Truth & Key to World Peace

I have been reflecting on truth inspired by Bill, Amir and Marie on this board, and it can be mind boggling so I meditated and came up with a simpler (deeper) Truth for me:
My Deepest Truth: WE ARE ALL ONE
"Bhagavan states that there is only one cause for human problems and that is a sense of separateness-the sense that the world can be divided into 'me' and 'not me'."The ultimate potential of the Oneness Blessing is much more that in its effect on the individual. The Blessing can precipitate a shift toward a completely different state of consciousness, where the sense of 'me' as a separate entity dissolves. What remains is a simple and direct realization of Oneness, unclouded by the conceptual mind. The Oneness Blessing has been able to catalyze this shift for thousands of people, both in India and in the rest of the world. This is something so profoundly simple and glorious that it defies logical description. Oneness is the heart's deepest longing, the song of ages."

In gratitude for the Reality of our Oneness, Ron

Digesting all this wonderfull stuff. Amir

Ron, I have a simpler way of looking at truth....The only cause of problems for us humans is our separateness from our Heavenly Father, our Creator God.... we have been separated by sin and the only bridge between us and God is our acceptance of Jesus Christ into our hearts and let the Holy Spirit guide us in the way we should go.I say to Him, "Not my will be done but Yours....use me today to be a blessing to those whom I am in contact with, so I may show the glory of your Love to them and be of service."Immersed in His Love and sharing with youse,sister Marie-Dominique

Just checked in for my daily wonderful dose of MD - Ron - you have struck on the great universal truth - We ARE all one! MD - Phillippians 2: 3,5 - the ultimate servant mentality is shown here BECAUSE in the eyes of Jesus the Christ, we ARE one.
Blessings, Bill

Thank you, William & Marie, for providing inspirational, Biblical verses, as being a Christian, I really welcome the Judeo-Christian evidence, as sometimes it may be harder to find than in Buddhism, Bahi'a, Sufism, etc.


Dr. Martin Luther King in his book STRENGTH TO LOVE has a chp. called "Paul's letter to American Christians". As Paul wrote his letters from a jail cell so did Dr. King.Here is a few cogent quotes from this important chapter:"Be sure the means you employ are as pure as the end you seek. As you press on for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using love as your chief weapon. Let no man pull you so low that you hate him......But before leaving, I must say to you ....that love is the most durable power in the world......I have discovered that the highest good is love. THIS PRINCIPLE IS AT THE CENTER OF THE COSMOS (my capitals). IT IS THE GREAT UNIFYING FORCE OF LIFE. GOD IS LOVE. HE WHO LOVES HAS DISCOVERED THE CLUE TO THE MEANING OF ULTIMATE REALITY: he who hates stands in immediate candidacy for nonbeing.

Dear Bill, Marie, Amir,

The Key to World Peace

I have been heartened this weekend to read that Tony Blair, the former P.M. of England, has formed a very well-financed interfaith foundation "that will enlist religion as a force for conflict resolution & economic development rather than violence and strive."

Nobody has written about this interfaith connection better than Dr. King, I believe: "Hindu, Moslem, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist Belief":"When I speak of love, I am not speaking of some sentimental and weak response. I am speaking of that Force which all great religions have seen as the supreme unifying principle of life. Love is somehow the key that unlocks the door which leads to ultimate reality. This Hindu-Moslem-Christian-Jewish-Buddhist belief is beautifully summed up in the first epistle of Saint John: 'Let us love one another; for love is God and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God.'"

One God, One Love, One Mind, Ron

1 comment:

  1. I have been recommending a book called "My Stroke of Insight - a Brain Scientist's Personal Journey" by Jill Bolte Taylor and also a TEDTalk Dr. Taylor gave on the TED dot com site. And you don't have to take my word for it - Dr. Taylor was named Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People, the New York Times wrote about her and her book is a NYTimes Bestseller), and Oprah did not 4 interviews with her.
