Friday, May 30, 2008

My Deepest Truth

Well done Ron - Amir - what is a lie? Interesting question. . . It is an avoidance of truth.When someone's truth conflicts with your own, you have a choice, or rather a number of choices.You can try to understand the new truth and embrace it or if it does not fit your reality, you may undestand it and file it.When you understand it and your core tells you it is truth, and then you deny it. . . THAT is a lie. [according to MY truth] "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free"

Great answer, Bill.
My teacher Ernest Holmes, the mystic who founded the Science of Mind (they do not call their meeting places churches also not wanting to be a religion):
"We believe in the unity of all life, and that the highest God and the innermost God is one God. We believe that God is personal to all who feel this indwelling Presence.
We believe in the direct revelation of Truth through our intuitive and spiritual nature, and that ANYONE may become a revealer of Truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God."

I am not sure that I don't like your answer better, Bill?
In gratitude, Ron

In acceptance, Ron. . . . or in the vernacular, I'll buy THAT for a dollar!B

Hey you made my head spin as I wrapped all that around in my mind....very good!!!! It sounded like a conversation, philosophically-wise, that my son and his best friend have but over stuff like the speed of dark as opposed to the speed of light, or other scientific things too.... in the mornings and late at night, when I am trying to put my eyes in front of my face after a longhard day! They are not here anymore, but now I have Plaxo to do that for me In Gratefulness,M-D

M-D - you are a pure delight. . . a gift for all of us to value. Thank you so much for being you.Essentially in existance, there is truth and lack of. . .just as there is Love and absence of love.This is what governs - emotions, actions, reactions, thoughts, feelings, movement. . . Everything!Think for a moment - when you feel the presence of Love, how do you feel?Now, how do you feel in the lack of love?A completely different set of values, actions and emotions. . . right?Think of great people you have known in these terms. . . .then think of monumental criminals . . . . Love. . . . absence of love. . . . The simplicity of the universe boggles the mind. . . You know what the BIG SECRET TO LIFE IS?????Keep going. . . It's coming Just a little more. . . . THERE ISN"T A BIG SECRET TO LIFE!! It's just there to enjoy and experience. . . what you make of it, is what YOU make of it. . . . . B

Digesting all this wonderfull stuff.

I have been reflecting on truth inspired by Bill, Amir and Marie on this board, and it can be mind boggling so I meditated and came up with a simpler (deeper) Truth for me:
The Deepest Truth (to me anyway as I am committed to Oneness): We are all One!

"Bhagavan states that there is only one cause for human problems and that is a sense of separateness-the sense that the world can be divided into 'me' and 'not me'.

"The ultimate potential of the Oneness Blessing is much more that in its effect on the individual. The Blessing can precipitate a shift toward a completely different state of consciousness, where the sense of 'me' as a separate entity dissolves. What remains is a simple and direct realization of Oneness, unclouded by the conceptual mind. The Oneness Blessing has been able to catalyze this shift for thousands of people, both in India and in the rest of the world. This is something so profoundly simple and glorious that it defies logical description. Oneness is the heart's deepest longing, the song of ages.
Also see
In gratitude for the Reality of our Oneness, Ron

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