Friday, May 20, 2022

Why I am happy to be back volunteering at VA Hospice

I have had experiences from the after life and have heard and read near death experiences of going to the Light, then told to come back. Lots of books and documentaries about after life incuding Netflix has a long one called Surviving Death. My Mom became more right wing the older she got living with her Sis her last few years. Sis, my Aunt watched Fox from the start 6Am all day. They were telling each other "life is just awful." Mom became meaner, and they hated my politics with more positive outlook. A lot more to this, but deep down, I knew Mom loved me. So after disinheriting me, she came back a few years after her death, and saved my life, when my heart was failing. I thought I had sleep paralysis. Her distinct voice yelled at me 3 times from bedroom, "RONNIE". I decided then to call VA Nurse, who told me to get to Hosp NOW. The ER displayed a terrible EKG, and the next day, I was given a Pacemaker. Scientifically, energy never dies, so our bodies fall away, our energy never dies. I worked with life-threatened teenagers starting with an internship. And it was the best job of my life, these kids knew they were going to die, but wanted to live while still alive. They were the best at being in the moment, so I took them to alot of adventures. When they could not go anymore, we as a group, would go to their bedside. Besides, my co-counselor was the best therapist ever. Let me see if I can find a photo of Honey.
Great story. I still have experiences with our Beloved Mother and Sister who have passed away. The spirit never dies 🙏 Vicki Carefree

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