Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tom Pinkson, LIVE, LOVE NOW

 Hola Relatives, 

Ten years ago my dear friend Angeles Arrien left this world leaving us with so many of her wisdom sharing through books, videos and programs that touched peoples lives around the world.  Angie and I go back over forty five years.  She was a medicine person from the Basque country in Spain who went through her first initiation at the age of four on top of a mountain.  We supported each other in our work and enjoyed friendship through the years. Long ago she counseled wisdom  that today  holds even more weight. 

“We must shift our allegiance from fear to curiosity, from attachment to letting go, from control to trust, and from entitlement to humility.” -Angeles Arrien   Angie also made a request before she passed.  She asked her friends and students to honor her life and memory by lighting a candle on the anniversary of her death.  Please join me in so doing and opening to receiving a beam of Angie’s  love and wisdom coming your way from the Spirit World.  


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