Tuesday, March 8, 2022


As a retired Therapist, we were legally bound to turn in anybody who threatens someone else or danger to themselves, to undergo 72 hour locked hold to be analyzed to see if they need to be locked up longer? I felt for the parents of the teenagers I had to have locked up, however most parents were relieved and even increased their love prayers for them. Putin deserves to be locked up for a looong time. Which Buddhist Teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh or The Dalai Lama said if one is threatening themselves or others, they must be stopped, because first of all, they are hurting themselves either way.
-Subject: Re: Yes send love and light to Putin, "however stop him for hurting others, as he is hurting himself." Thich Nhat Hanh or The Dalai Lama?

Yes, stopping is very important. Buddhism is not passive. This is part of Thay's teaching. 

Heather Lyn Mann
thich-nhat-hanh-quotes-09Truth is the truth.pngputin at nuremberg.jpg


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