Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Hiking amongst the oldest living Beings on this Planet:

 I have done this amazing hike. I felt blessed to be among these oldest living Beings on the Planet. They are a testament of how one can survive and thrive in the toughest of environments. They grow on the North side of a mountain in acidic soil, where nothing else can grow. They remind me of elderly WW2 veterans, I interviewed, who survived and thrived after horrible battles. Also, clients who survived terrible child abuse. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." or something like that... Tell me a quote that fits this better?

Breathing in gratitude, exhaling blessings, Ron

<Bristle cone Forest Hike.jpg>
Ron Alexander
Ron Alexander 
I shared a place with you 
Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest Visitor Center
Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest Visitor Center
(760) 873-2400
View on Google Maps 

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