Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Inquiry can be very powerful

 Dear Ron Alexander,

We believe in the power of thoughtful, generative questions to inspire personal insight and to deepen our connection to one another and all of life. For nearly ten years, we've offered a Daily Question to thousands of people around the globe and have cherished your thoughtful responses.

We're thrilled to share that we have now selected 100+ of the most resonant questions from our collection and — in collaboration with our partners at Holstee — have created this beautiful deck of reflection cards.

Centered on five principles of grateful living, these questions inspire new perspectives, journaling, creative practice, meaningful conversation, and much more. Use them on your own or with those you love to deepen recognition of life’s abundance and further awaken the joy and transformative possibilities of gratefulness.

Your Gratefulness Team


My homemade  poster, the card with Swan on it is from
card set of THE FOUR AGREEMENTS by Don Miguel Ruiz
I have ordered the cards created by (highly recommend their daily word sent by email daily.

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