Tuesday, January 11, 2022

There is a beehive here inside my heart And the golden bees are making white combs And sweet honey from all my failures.


Hola Relatives,

In a rapidly changing world of uncertainty about what the next day or moment might hold, it is increasingly important to stay open, flexible, fluid and adaptable, not to mention humble and receptive. Just this past week I have had to cancel two scheduled retreats and today postponing a trip down to Santa Barbara that I was to leave on tomorrow morning. Letting go, working to stay unattached, remembering, as the poet Kabir said many centuries ago, "Wherever you are is the entry point.”

I send out this missive to you in support of whatever adjustments, changes, and/or letting go situations you may be dealing with in your own life. You have the opportunity to use right now as entry point to waking up, connecting and attuning to the always present, presence of Spirit, accessing consciously the infinitely-creating wisdom energy of the universe to polish up your stardust to Live Love Now. If you want to fly, you have to do what novelist Toni Morrison calls us to do, “You got to give up the shit that weighs you down!”

Yes to facing the truth of what is, but do so with fierce tenderness and compassion for your sacred self. Do so with kindness, with gentleness. I find the comforting words of Antonio Machado very helpful and encourage of this process. See how they work for you.

There is a beehive here inside my heart
And the golden bees are making white combs
And sweet honey from all my failures.

Remember there is miel dulce, sweet honey, that lives in your heart through grace and it is just waiting to be enjoyed. Seems to me that we can’t go wrong in using the out-breath to let go of what is no longer needed, opening to receive the life-fuel of the new breath and then bringing it down to your heart to juice up the sweetness that is already there: taste it, feel it, celebrate it and share its golden light of love... Exactly what our troubled and struggling world needs more of right now.

Gratitude for you.

All Blessings and Love,


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