Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Re: the "ego" in relation to -: “I search for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.”

-: “I search for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God.” Rumi
Ron: Does this not mean that our so-called "ego", at least the healthy, balanced one is the "seeker"?

Dr. Tom Pinkson: the soul speaks and sometimes the ego listens and seeks greater union with the soul recognizing there is more to us than our egos.  at least that is my thought on the matter. love, t. 

Ron: At least some "egos" listen, I am very weary of so many New Age thinkers demonize the ego =- New thoughts devil! I think we can healthy, balanced egos that listen?

Dr. Tom: i agree with you. tis possible if we set that as an intention and then stay vigilant to do the work required. 

 Ron: Yes, my main intention for the New Year is to lower the amount of distractions that I have on my path. What "path"? To be a bridge to unity and peace. 

Thanks for all you inspirational clarity. your Soul Bro, Ron


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