Tuesday, December 7, 2021

My value is my inherent nature - and so is yours

 Greetings Ron,

You might look at my life today and think "no way was she ever insecure", but I promise you, I was so incredibly insecure.  My school teachers would always admonish me to walk with my back straight - and my chin and head up", because I would hunch over to hide my heart.  I wanted to make myself as small as possible - which was quite a task when you're 5'9 at twelve years old.
I would under value what I was bringing to the table in relationships with men, jobs, family and career opportunities.  
When entering a relationship with someone, I would default into the thinking that "i'll wait and see if he thinks I'm good enough.  I'll wait and see if he wants me.  If I was going on a job interview, meeting with a potential client or waiting for a proposal to be approved, I'd find myself thinking, "I hope they approve of me".
I want to share with you Brother Ron to go DEEP into my being and pull out my real.authentic.unique and more than enough self that had been traumatized into hiding.
I was willing to go to any lengths to reconnect to that part of myself that was brilliant, capable, creative, talented, valuable and simply... enough.
I learned that I didn't have to wait for anyone to give me permission to see my own value by how they treated me.  My value is my inherent nature - and so is yours.
When we awaken and stay "woke" to our unique value, we're not waiting for the approval of others, we become clear on whether or not we want their energy in OUR space.  Self-value asks the question "is this situation a vibrational match for me? Is this how I want to spend MY time and energy?  
Self-value, which is worthiness, confidence, empowerment and feeling safe to be your complete and unique self allows YOU to choose.
We're actually choosing at every moment. Let's start choosing from who we really are.  Come out from hiding - your heart is worth sharing. 
Be you and be proud!
I love you,

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