Sunday, December 5, 2021

May everyone you meet today be blessed by your presence!


Hola Relatives.
Following up on our group meeting this week and my sharing regarding working the Medicine of this Season of Holy Days, bringing light into the dark, here is the reflection questions I offered:
“What are the most fundamental collective values we can draw upon in increasingly high stress challenges; what will best serve our survival?”
Also, here is a reminder regarding the three C’s for building resilience:
  1. challenge: take what shows up as a challenge to grow you to higher consciousness
  2. choice: consciously choose the focus of your attention in the moment opening awareness to love’s presence and,
  3. commitment: to a cause greater than ego that serves soul and higher will good for all.
May everyone you meet today be blessed by your presence!
May the Blessings of the Holy Days - Hanukah, Celebration of the Virgin de Guadalupe, Winter Solstice, Christmas, and conscious transition into the New Year, serve you good medicine.

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