Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Learn to be comfortable with a quiet mind.


  • Learn to be comfortable with a quiet mind. Try journaling or doodling. Practice listening to people without waiting for a break in the conversation so you can speak. You don’t have to do that all the time; just a few times for practice.

  • Learning to keep the mind quieter helps wean it from suffering and drama. Drama is the fix the mind uses to escape reality. Don’t hurry, scurry, and worry. Reality is always better than the spin we put on it, because truth is better than a lie. Without the mind getting in there and putting in its filters, life is sweet. Perceptions vary, but life is good all the time. If this doesn’t seem believable to you, it is because you have not had the privilege of directly experiencing life. Keeping the mind quieter gives reality a chance to pop through. The source dwells in reality.  Annie Sermons Gillis

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