Monday, November 1, 2021

Law of Allowing

 Law of Allowing – Esther Hicks – November 11, 2020

Will bring forth absolute freedom

I am that which I am and I am willing to allow all others be who they are.

We have many sames and many differences

In all of our sameness and all of our differences, I’lI find joy.

Beliefs: If they allow another to behave in some very opposite way, they jeopardize their own experience. If another is allowed to behave in that way, it will grow and spread, even to the one who is observing and not approving.

This fear, wanting to protect one’s self, this attitude of vulnerability, comes not because the vulnerability need be there, but because it is not understood what causes the vulnerability. It is not understood that it is impossible for the experience of one to seep into the experience of the other. This fear is what is responsible for the organization of armies – the attitude that we must band together to be larger and more powerful.

It is an attitude of weakness, rather than of strength. A feeling of vulnerability, rather than a feeling of power. It is a lack of knowledge of the laws that govern the universe.

The freedom that comes only when we understand, and apply the laws of the universe. They are eternal and absolute and exist whether we believe them or not. Influence our lives, whether we know they do or not.

Law of Attraction: That which is like itself is drawn. 

Law of Deliberate Creating: That which I give thought to with emotion, I create. See self as a magnet.

Simultaneously there is a part of us communicating with us by thought. Creating is the attraction process.

Allowing: I am that which I am and I am willing to let all others be who they are.

What others do and say need not affect us. No one offers a threat to us. We are the controller of our experience. Freedom from any negative response to others.

Allowing isn’t tolerating. Even if you don’t like it. You will feel negative about it, fear for them, fear for yourself, but let them be in tolerant fashion. When tolerating, we are not allowing. One who tolerates is feeling negative emotion.

One who is Allower, does not feel negative emotion. It is the absence of negative emotion that is freedom. We cannot experience freedom when we have negative emotion.

An allower is one who has understood the Law of Attraction, who knows how she gets what she gets, who knows she is deliberately creating her own experience.

An Allower is one who doesn’t listen for or give attention to things she doesn’t want to experience. She has learned to take her eyes from that which she does not want to draw into her experience. She understands that everyone is the creator of her own experience.

An Allower lets everyone be the creator she intended to be, is glorious in her own creating and is willing to allow others to have the glory of their own creating.

Should I put my head in the sand. Not look and see those who have trouble. I should not look for an opportunity where I may be of assistance to others?

When we intend to be of assistance, our eye is not on the trouble, but on the assistance. When we are looking for a solution we are feeling positive emotion. (When looking at the problem, we are feeling negative emotion.)

We can be of great assistance to others as we uplift them to what they are wanting to be – through our words and attention to assistance.

When we talk to others about their sadness etc. we contribute to their negative emotion. Assist them in their miscreation.

Allower: willing to let the one who chooses illness, poverty, choose it and have it. We can uplift them by being something different yourself, by our personal example. Let what is in our heart uplift them, when what is in our heart feels good.

When others don’t approve of us, we can still be that and not feel negative emotion because we are allowing the others to be who and what they are.

Look into this world and feel joy all of the time. Participate only where there is joy.

Wanting – our inner being offers us positive emotion. Attracting what we want

Needing – our inner being offers us negative emotion, because we aren’t focused on what we are wanting, but the lack of what we are wanting. Attracting what we do not want.

 Allower: has learned the law of creating and has reached the position where she does not miscreate. Creates deliberately and intentionally, and joyfully.

Contentment comes only from wanting and then allowing, then receiving.

Tolerance may be of advantage to the other because you are not hindering them from what they want to do, but tolerance is not an advantage to me, because while we are being tolerant, we are still feeling negative emotion, and therefore we are not free, we are bound by the negativity.

Becoming an allower has the advantage of being free of negativity. Being an experiencer of joy.

There is very little in our experience that isn’t what we want.

Intend safety and harmony at the start of every day.



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