Tuesday, November 30, 2021




Defenselessness is not a stance of weakness. It is not about becoming a doormat or allowing oneself to be abused or treated badly. It is about seeking refuge in the Divine Source inside our hearts- that provides us with our true strength and protection, that is mightier than an army of a thousand soldiers. When we connect to this Source, we are protected, guided and assured of safety in all situations. 

I invite you to pause and reflect.

Where in your life do you feel the need to defend? What triggers a sense of defensiveness in you?

Where in your body do you feel that sense of defensiveness- that sense of contraction and perhaps even a pressure?

Can you allow yourself to simply sit and explore this sensation?

Remember, you are not trying to ‘fix’ or ‘change’ anything outside or even within yourself. This is just an invitation to observe, explore and allow yourself to be present to yourself in a deep way. A way that can perhaps allow for a stance of softening around this defense.

Take your time, be easy and be curious. Invite your Inner Guide to be with you and allow for miracles to flow in your life as well!

 Categories: Articles, Coaching for Inner Peace, Course in Miracles

It is from this place of inner peace that I will receive the guidance to take my role in the undoing of the game of fear. In this quiet place, left open and clear of the dreams of fear, I am guided to let my belief in weakness disappear. I am guided by the strength of my true, eternal safety. I am guided to accept God’s gifts, which help me remember I am safe and cannot be harmed in truth. I am guided to lay aside what was never real and see the Light of Christ in my brothers instead.

Ego is only of the mind. It is not of the body. Ego identifies with the body but is not at home in the body and transcends individual bodies. Ego is the part of the mind that individualizes, that thinks it is separate from God. The ego is the part of mind that dreams the dreams to experience various situations, but then gets lost in its own little kingdom surrounded by defenses.

The Voice for God is everywhere. It is in all things, all places, all people. Only the ego mind sees them as apart from God. Nothing is apart from God, no matter what the appearances. The body life is neutral. It is only a mental construction. It means only what I think it means.

It is only in laying down the ego defenses that I can find my True Self. I can only find this in my mind. It is in my mind where I truly live. It is only in mind that I can find my True Self because this is where I truly live. Today I choose the meaning that comes from my True Self. Today I choose to lay down the falsely constructed ego defenses, with the help of Holy Spirit. For it is only in my defenselessness that I find my True Strength. When I see Oneness in my mind, then I see Oneness everywhere.

I had a very busy day. Lots to get done, tight time schedule, unexpected stresses. I didn’t remember every hourly prayer, but before I left for work I asked Holy Spirit to make me aware of each time I was feeling defensive. It made for an interesting day. Mostly a lot of little things that normally I would not have paid a lot of attention to but cumulatively would have worn me down. Things like having an old man pull out in front of me and nearly cause a wreck. I could feel my forehead wrinkling and my mouth turning down in disapproval. I thought to myself, “What are you doing, you old fart?”

Then I heard Holy Spirit reminding me that I didn’t need to defend myself against old farts, and I felt a sense of gratitude that I was sent this reminder. Over and over today I found that I was giving away my peace in an effort to protect and defend my body. There were many opportunities for me to see that I have been responding to all kinds of perceived threats with defensiveness. It also gave me many opportunities to choose differently, to offer my bothers love instead. It felt good to do this. This is another of those lessons I need to work on daily for about a year!

Below is Blog post, I wrote in 2012:

Your greatest enemy

Bobby Hinkle
Your greatest enemy is the imagination of an enemy, when you fearfully begin living your whole life defensively.

Manisha Pathak: nice one......cos when u are in defensive mode....things attack even from the sources u werent aware of.

In defenselessness, my safety lies...(ACIM)

This is very valuable to me, as I have to confront a business partner. I was in a defensive mode, so now I am going to drop that and just greet him eye - to - eye with my truth! Thanks Bobby Hinkle & Manisha plus ACIM!

Tom Nadeau
If I am at odds with a person...how is it that I ask for the peace to deal with them without asking that peace be upon them as well? A mentor of mine used to say, when I was locking horns with someone, "pray for them...nothing helps a resentment to fade better than requesting that the same serenity that you ask for also to be with your adversary."

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