Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Wonderful affirmation from Teacher/Therapist Ester Nicholson


Ester Nicholson
Soul Recovery
Hi Ron,

This is Recovery Month and I want to congratulate you for consciously working on yourself and doing the very best you can - wherever you are on the path.

You are unfolding into your highest self in the perfect way, and that's a big deal!

Your recovery may look very different from the recovery of others.  We are all recovering from something, and we are all seeking to recover and rediscover who we really are and who on a core level,  we know ourselves to be.

No matter how many times you've emotionally relapsed on feelings of unworthiness or feelings of not being good enough, you are incrementally and assuredly "getting it".  Something within you is shifting - even when it doesn't feel like it.

There have been times on my 36 years of recovery journey, when I felt like giving up. Where I couldn't believe that I was still struggling with my self-value and worthiness, but I always found that when I came back from those dark moments,  I felt stronger and lighter.  Something had shifted in my brain, in my consciousness and in my determination to fight for the "real me" - even in those moments of darkness.

On top of recovering from your own emotional trauma, you are now dealing with the world crisis of Covid and environmental devastation. That's a lot to deal with. But it's not impossible for you to recover and rediscover your self-value and self-love right in the midst of all the challenges that you and the entire world are facing right now. A seed actually grows and thrives in the dirt of the earth.

There is value in your valley.  The REAL YOU is in the valley preparing to explode into your life as the highest version of yourself.  Don't give up and stay the course. Even when it seems like you're off, you're really on.

Thank you for standing up for your self-value,

I love you,


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