Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Unity of Charleston

Sunday VIRTUAL Service Time is 10:30am, Services in Sanctuary with STAFF ONLY AND ON FACEBOOK ONLY!

Wednesday Backyard 6:30PM services on Facebook only! See below

VIRTUAL Meditation for the Earth and Eco-Justice still ON ZOOM ONLY every Sunday 9:30 am, SEE BELOW FOR DIRECTIONS

Nursery and Children Program available during service, suspended.

Usual office hours: We are IN some days due to the virus, but answering emails and voice mails. Please call ahead of time to make sure we are here. Sat. Thur Thursday, 9am-3pm

Address: 2535 Leeds Ave. Charleston, SC 29405

Phone: 843-566-0600 Fax: 843-566-9997



Minister: Rev. Ed Kosak

Asst. Minister: Rev.Sarah Scott Putnam

Administrator: James Mitchell

Youth Minister: Naomi Garcia

Music Minister: Brad Henty


If you've been trying real hard to fast from negative thinking, and feast on positive thinking, here is a last minute booster (before Easter) to help you in finishing out the last few days of Lent.

Don't power through whatever it is you're fasting from. Sometimes powering through a problem or situation is necessary. But when it comes to fasting, powering through effects are short term. If you're trying to give up smoking for instance, powering through urges to smoke is fine, but short lived. The urges come back even stronger sometimes. That's because we resist the urge. Another approach would be to ALLOW the urge to be, to let it be and let it's energy dissipate. When we resist something and just power through it, we repress the energy. Letting the urge "be", allows it to be observed, to be learned from, and to ultimately pass. The urge loses its power over us. This is a very Taoist approach to life that I just love. It denies nothing, yet it doesn't just "wallow" in the urge. It goes with the flow.     Rev. Ed

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