Monday, January 11, 2021

Why do they "not know"(Forgive them for they know not what they do.")

 This is Thay's on how to stand up for justice, not be a door-mat. We are to help others transform their notions and ideologies through loving speech and dialogue. 

In sum, you ask how we "do not appear to push or force their [our] opinions or ideas on others?"  It is because we do not push our opinions or ideas on others. That is the practice at the heart of mindful advocacy. 
Hello Heather,  I am going to change the question, what about inquiry? Why do people "not know"? (Forgive them for they know not what they do).
The Dalai Lama strongly supports scientific inquiry. Having studied medicine and psychology, it is known that ignorance, "not knowing, being conscious, being aware" occurs when one reacts from the Serpentine (lower) Brain instead of responding from the Fore (rational) brain. This reaction also occurs with mob mentality, which is a collective unconscious reaction from the Serpentine Brain. This is not "beliefs" but facts from Science. Is it not compassion to "forgive" others because of their unconscious, lack of awareness. Cannot "dialogue" and education help those have an open mind transform?               yours sincerely, Ron   P.S. It was a peaceful even joyful (Sunday) weekend at monument thankfully.

About inquiry: why do people not know? 

In our practice, we bow to the capacity within each person to become enlightened. In that bowing is the humility that every one of us is on a path and there are things we both know and don't know about the reality of now. 

This awareness that the perceptions we have about the world which shape our behaviors and beliefs arise from the causes and conditions of our lives is also reflected in Thay's poem, Call Me By My True Names. In it, Thay recognized he could be the pirate who raped the young girl if the causes and conditions of his birth were different. 

Why do people not understand what is so clear to us? There are countless causes and conditions for this. I'd also ask, Why do I not understand what is so clear to others?   

You write, "Is it not compassion to "forgive" others because of their unconscious, lack of awareness. Cannot "dialogue" and education help those have an open mind transform?"

Yes, we forgive out of insight, compassion, and humility. Yes, we will learn to help others let go of and transform narrowness through loving speech and compassionate dialogue. Question: can you see how this is different from and deeper than a presentation of well-reasoned, intellectual knowledge?   

BTW, Thay also strongly supports and applies scientific research into the workings of the mind. He and I are in complete agreement with your summary of your description of the workings of the brain. 

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