Monday, January 4, 2021

How walking in Forgiveness helps me keep thinks (things) lighter....


Dr. Tomas Pinkson's Christmas group about "Forgive them for they know not what they do." has had a great impact on my keeping my own peace. It was really tested as the ringleader of the Confederate flag bearers had a image of hangman nooses with the words, "time to put some of these back in practice." (implication of returning to lynching).
Here is the Confederate's post recently: How do I not judge him? Due to this, there were a lot of angry BLM counterprotestors across the street from the Confederate Monument in Charleston, S.C. today with moi walking between the groups with my Veterans for peace flag supporting BLM:

Just keep walking, I guess.💗Jackie
Keep walking in forgiveness, "Forgive them for they know not what they do..." I believe that they really are innocent at heart, however like myself, have been taught toxic thoughts, and have not been blessed to become conscious of their thinking. lots of love and appreciation, Ron
(Tomas: "the “choice" of racism is made in the context of ignorance of truth having been fed cultural mythologies of white supremacy and distortions of history so it is really the result of manipulation made by those in power for their own gains.") 

the “choice" of racism is made in the context of ignorance of truth having been fed cultural mythologies of white supremacy and distortions of history so it is really the result of manipulation made by those in power for their own gains. 

good for you growing your group. i like the name Veterans Against Racism - VAR, or addressing a broader base, Veterans For Justice, VRJ, since justice needs to be served for all peoples of color, religion and ethnicity.  

best to contact keith directly asking for his help so then i am not a middle man and you can explain what you seek. Keith Nickel Langevin <>

i love this saying from Native Elders that reflects your work - “you have to meet your prayers halfway!” 

love, t. 

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