Wednesday, January 27, 2021

"Can you live in the area of uncertainty when it comes to issues, allowing that we may not be always right?

 Pema Chodron, the great Buddhist teacher, asks us (paraphrased): "Can you live in the area of uncertainty when it comes to issues, allowing that we may not be always right?" In shooting for "Right View" according to local teacher Heather Mann, we may find that sometimes it is helpful to start from a place of "there are no right views" when discussing topics with friends. You may ask, well what about the Truth then Ed? In my humble opinion, we will more likely come to the truth of an issue by taking this approach. It will take much longer if we try to outsmart, out-rationalize our "opponent". Another good tip, drop the opponent stance!

I encourage us all to love another when having these difficult discussions. In this way, a bi-polarized world can harmonize, as our co-founders the Fillmore's define love...the great harmonizer    Rev. Ed Unity Charleston

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