Monday, November 16, 2020

Soul's Purpose NOW


Subject: Re: Marlena Davis 10h · Battery Charleston SC 11/15/20. Because I'm Black 24/7. Sometimes you just gotta stand alone. Thanks Zac Vappa (aka Ron Alexander)

Wow. Thank you, Ron, for modeling courage and decency for all of us. I honor your soul’s message and am doing my part, granted, a small part, to promote racial justice. It all counts. Thank you for your service to this country and to its citizens.
Kathy Maher

Subject: Re: Marlena Davis 10h · Battery Charleston SC 11/15/20. Because I'm Black 24/7. Sometimes you just gotta stand alone. Thanks Zac Vappa (aka Ron Alexander)

Wow. Thank you, Ron, for modeling courage and decency for all of us. I honor your soul’s message and am doing my part, granted, a small part, to promote racial justice. It all counts. Thank you for your service to this country and to its citizens.
Kathy Maher

"soul's message" brought tears to my eyes, and it feels accurate, thank you very much Kathy!
, and it feels accurate, thank you very much Kathy!

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